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It Feels Great!

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:16 pm
by Bridge
How does it feel to be an Atlas student? As Tony The Tiger would say, "it feels grrr-eat! Training programs come and go, no pain no gain, high intensty training, 3 days a week training systems, etc., but one program continues on like it has for over 80 years, the Dynamic Tension, train don't strain system, which emphasizes sensible daily exercise and a good diet. You will never look like Arnold, but hey, do you really want to look like that? There is more to fitness than bulging muscles. Good health is paramount, for HEALTH IS YOUR GREATEST WEALTH.

Re: It Feels Great!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:17 pm
by Henry Marczak
The Secret to Dynamic Tension System is the consistent daily training without over doing it.