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Pushups, Squats

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:42 am
by Bridge
I wonder if there are Atlas students here who can do 100 pushups and/or squats in a row? My best after not doing pushups for a long time and building back up is 68 pushups, and I can do 100 squats, but I only go about half way down.

Re: Pushups, Squats

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:27 pm
by Bridge
I'll phrase this a little differently and maybe I'll get a reply. How many pushups and squats do you usually do in your workouts?

Re: Pushups, Squats

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:11 pm
by emfermi
I personally do the dips and squats slowly, thus I tend to get tired with only a few. Right now I do 35 dips in a row and 20 squats in a row. Before my injury, I could manage 50 dips and 35 squats. I am talking about my first set in each case. Usually thenumers drop roughly by half when I get to them for a second and third set. I believe more in doing a few, but properly perfomed repetitions. Just recently I had increased my number of reps, but noticed I was kind of cheating with my posture. When I corrected it, I went back to the usual number.