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I'm Back

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:30 pm
by MrDynamic
Hi followers of Atlas, havent posted for sometime, moved area and sorting out my new apartment getting it fixed up etc am back and will update my last stats!!

I will say this , i got off the track from Atlas system doing cardio and lost weight which misdirected me from the core principles but after 5 months from stopping cardio my fat came back, all that effort and it took a few months of bad diet and no exercise for my stomach to come back ! It was a good experience trying to lose my stomach, and conclusion is that its not worth the effort (for me maybe different for others), i enjoy atlas and not cardio so back on track - don't care about the 6pack no more, have been doing atlas system modified somewhat for sometime , i think 3 years now, my chest got to big so only work with it once a week ;) and i have seen progress on my other parts of my body, i don't know if i have gained on my stats as it has been some time but will post when i can find the tape measure, will catch up reading all your posts!! Bye for now :D

Re: I'm Back

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:10 pm
by Bridge
Atlas advises walking 3 miles per day in the course. This will give you a good cardio workout without straining yourself. I walk 3 miles every day and look forward to it, as it is so refreshing. By trial and error we all learn, and I know I have. We are tempted to try the latest fitness fad on the market, only to realize that the Atlas DT course is the best, a program you can follow for life. I have tried different approaches, doing one set to failure, exercising every other day with high volume, etc., but have come to realize that just following the course as written as closely as possible is the best way to go. I am now following the Perpetual Lesson as written, exercising morning and evening, and have finally convinced myself to train and not strain! I do the core exercises circuit style, 4 circuits of 25 reps, morning and evening. This I can handle very well, it makes for good workout without straining, as Atlas in his wisdom suggested. I know we are all bombarded with so much "new" information in the media about bodyweight fitness, but every time I reread the course, I appreciate what a goldmine it really is. Curdog has been following the circuit style of doing the Perpetual Lesson core exercises for some time, and I think it is the best way to go, as it's time efficient, as you are doing one exercise after another with little or no rest, and you come out feeling much better than doing one set, resting and doing another set of the same exercise.

Re: I'm Back

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:29 pm
by zigzag
Hi there good to know that Charles Atlas has brought you back again. I'll be 62 next year and over a period of over 40 years I have gone off to try other methods but I have always returned to my Atlas roots.