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Results Results Results!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:58 am
by DynamicAdam
Hi guys i' m new to this forum.

I have had the 10 steps to a better body for 2 years now and have just got the full 12 week DT course. I have not looked at the 10 steps to a better body package since i bought it, out of interset my brother was surfing the net and came across the Charles atlas site and was fascinated with his build and size he gained!

We were both amazed when we looked through the small booklet and saw the effectivness of the DT course shown in the photos of the Atlas students. Needles to say when he saw the 'add 1 inch to your chest and arms in 10 days' he started the course that night! (on his second 3 rd day now)

I' am interested to hear members results and progression such as height, measurements & weight before taking the DT course and the measurements and weight now. Has anyone got to the same size measuremnts and proportions as Charles Atlas?

Thanks Adam.